Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Tree

We got a christmas tree two days ago! It's pretty big for our living room (I'm also pretty sure it can hold lots of presents under it ;] ). We put lights on it, and I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure my dad strapped it up to the wall so it wouldn't fall like it did last year.
Instead of a cute little golden star, we put a green and red sparkly paper star that Anna made in 6th grade on top of the tree! We don't wrap in stuff and put a few things on the tree. We just weigh it down with every single ornament we've got, and hope it's branches don't get ripped off!
I will now end this post with tons of faces! :) :( ;) >:( :# #l $P :p 0) 0I:) :0 <(-

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Oil Changing

I got to change the oil in my families MAZDA and TOYOTA! The minivan was pretty clean. I wheeled under the car on (quoting my dad) the "wheely-wheely." I unscrewed the pluq and the dirty oil gushed out into the... oil catcher thing. I unscrewed the filter and some more oil gushed out. I put in anti-freeze, coolant, and new oil.

Then came my dad's truck. I did the exact same things on it, except when I took off the plug the oil totally spurted out and gushed over my hand and fingers, garunteeing me washing my hands for at least fifteen minutes. Then I took off the filter preparing to put on a new one. The oil that came out dripped all the way around may wrist and down past my elbow! That garunteed me at least fifteen minutes of showering!

It was pretty frickin' fun changing the oil and stuff in the cars. And it was fun taking a bath in oil, and a half hour shower in water. And I get to do the same thing over again in three months!

Monday, November 24, 2008


I saw Twilight last saturday! I thought it was amazingly awesome for a chick-flik, just a little to mushy.

I definitely thought Bella was a great actor, and Edward too. You know how Rosalie is supposed to be the most beatiful thing ever to inhabit the Earth? She was definitely cute, but not enough for Stephanie Meyer's description. On the other hand, Alice is one of the hottest people I have ever seen!!! It was so fun watching her kick her leg up into the air whenever she pitched the base-ball!

(Hope you don't mind me doing a little critique). I thought that the music was pretty destracting throughout most of the movie. My sister Anna, and my cousin Kate say so too. The relationship between Edward and Bella didn't seem to grow a whole lot over the period of time they spent together. Other then that, it was great!

This is definitely one of the movies I'll recommend for anyone who asks (even though I doubt I'll need to recommend it to many girls).