Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Looky looky
I actually doubt anyone really looks around on my blog. So here is your guided tour: If you scroll down a little bit, you will find yourself in the gaming area. A great place to chill out and have some fun. If you scroll down even more, you will find tons of pictures. The pictures will make anyone happy as long as they are pictures of Sam. At the very bottom of the screen you will find a few videos, and soon more. Thank you for taking the tour of "Matt's Words of Wisdom." Please press the exit button, then come visit the blog again to play the games, look at the pictures, vote on the polls, read the posts, and watch videos. Buh-bhy now.
Friday, December 7, 2007
You have undoubtedly been reading my moms blog too. You should then know that I was getting crappy grades. (A, A, A, B, C, B, F, F) I will now have you know that I have shaped up, and now have awesome grades! I repeat... I will now have you know that I have shaped up, and now have awesome grades (A, A, A, A, A, B, A, B) I am now very happy because I am no longer grounded.
I am ashamed of you all!!! There were only three votes on my last voting polls. Get'a votin' people!!!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving was awesoooome!!! Right now my sister is trying to take the computer, so I'll make this fast. I had 1 1/2 heaping plates of food (although last year I had about five or six gargantuan plates. I threw up, but I didn't regret it.) I had three slices of pie. (Although two or three years ago I probably had a whole pies worth. Alot of Pecan. Alot of Banana Cream. A bit of everything else.
Now for things that didn't have to do with stuffing my face. As I went downstairs I was instantaneously mauled by around 7 little kids, and two of them knew that I wasn't the boss of them. So they could keep pulling my hair if they wanted to, or stretching out my shirt, or keep throwing hard things at me. After thanksgiving dinner, we went downstairs and played ball-wars on those excersising balls (you bounce around on them and try to kick the ball out from under your opponent, it's awesome. Especially if they've jumped super high, so that their bum is going of the ball. You kick it when they are still in the air and they don't come down on the ball). It was fun untill my strong-minded little cousin Sammy tried taking control. The ball-wars was kind of like a tournament. But Sammy tried to turn it into a concert or something, quote. "Everybody wants autographs now!" We had no choice but to book it right out of there. Of course, I'm a guy, so everybody tackled me.
This was the most eventfull (and by that I mean painfull) Thanksgiving of my life. I hope the Mom's and Dad's out there don't go through what I did on a regular basis.
Now for things that didn't have to do with stuffing my face. As I went downstairs I was instantaneously mauled by around 7 little kids, and two of them knew that I wasn't the boss of them. So they could keep pulling my hair if they wanted to, or stretching out my shirt, or keep throwing hard things at me. After thanksgiving dinner, we went downstairs and played ball-wars on those excersising balls (you bounce around on them and try to kick the ball out from under your opponent, it's awesome. Especially if they've jumped super high, so that their bum is going of the ball. You kick it when they are still in the air and they don't come down on the ball). It was fun untill my strong-minded little cousin Sammy tried taking control. The ball-wars was kind of like a tournament. But Sammy tried to turn it into a concert or something, quote. "Everybody wants autographs now!" We had no choice but to book it right out of there. Of course, I'm a guy, so everybody tackled me.
This was the most eventfull (and by that I mean painfull) Thanksgiving of my life. I hope the Mom's and Dad's out there don't go through what I did on a regular basis.
Sunday, November 11, 2007

Last Sunday we went to a different church at nine in the morning (the church we mainly go to is at two in the afternoon!!!). When we were done we went back to our house to skip our church. Mom and Abby had to leave because Abby had a primary program. Of course the first thing mom did before she left was tell us. "By the time I'm back home, I want the kitchen to be done."
Okay, no sweat, we thought. But we had forgotten and important factor in this equasion... Sam (oh crap).
Not even ten minutes after our parents left Sam started causing some intense mayhem. First he climbed up onto the table and started piling noodles into Sarah's drink, then he started stomping around and annoying the renter's in the basement. We made him a bottle hoping it would make him hold still like it usually does. Uh-uh. He just ran around with it hanging from his mouth, slamming into the walls with his face and stuff. After about half an hour, we finally gave up. We left Sam to do his business. It wasn't our smartest decision. We were doing the kitchen and I was getting some entertainment by watching Sam. He suddenly saw the best toy in the whole world: A tupperware container, filled with water. But it was up on the counter top! No problem for wonder Sam! He scrambled over, reached up to the limit of his abilities. And was just barely able to reach the tip of it with his fingers.
Before I could react Sam made a grab and... SPLASH!!! A slight pause, then. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! WAAH! WAAH! WAAH!" Anna sprinted over to him, picked him up, and plopped him right into the bathtub.
When he came out, he was his usual cheery self, except with the diaper. He is having a story being read to him by dad. And making high pitched squeaks. What an angel!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Pretty much everyone knows that I'm not a good babysitter (that doesn't mean I'm a bad babysitter, it just means I'm not a good babysitter). My mom left and I was left home alone with sleeping Sam. I got onto the computer and started commenting on a few peoples blogs. After about fifteen minutes, I heard Sam's squeal that told me he was awake. He can sleep a bit longer. I thought. The longer I postponed the sacred ritual of getting Sam out of bed (pick him up, say good morning, make a funny noise, usually change his diaper, sometimes feed him). The louder he cried. After about five minutes of this I finally decided to get him up.
As I walked into Sam's room I beheld the problem. Sam had his legs stuck through the bars in his crib. One foot he could easily get out. But the other foor was a different story. He had that leg past the knee joint, and for some reason had been able to put through the bars, but not able to take it out! I slowly took his leg out. The whole time Sam was screaming and crying. After I had finally taken it out, Sam was screaming so loud he was about to burst a gut or something. I picked him up, saying. "It's okay, it's okay."
"Uh-oh, uh-oh." was Sams reply.
I hurriedly began looking for Sams bottle, of course baby things like that are never easy. I finally looked down, and beheld his sippy cup!
Now Sam is sitting at the table enjoying some crackers. No longer chanting uh-oh. I'm not a good babysitter. But I'm not bad either.
As I walked into Sam's room I beheld the problem. Sam had his legs stuck through the bars in his crib. One foot he could easily get out. But the other foor was a different story. He had that leg past the knee joint, and for some reason had been able to put through the bars, but not able to take it out! I slowly took his leg out. The whole time Sam was screaming and crying. After I had finally taken it out, Sam was screaming so loud he was about to burst a gut or something. I picked him up, saying. "It's okay, it's okay."
"Uh-oh, uh-oh." was Sams reply.
I hurriedly began looking for Sams bottle, of course baby things like that are never easy. I finally looked down, and beheld his sippy cup!
Now Sam is sitting at the table enjoying some crackers. No longer chanting uh-oh. I'm not a good babysitter. But I'm not bad either.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Just to let you know, my knew goal is gonna be to put a post on my blog once a week. If I don't put a post on, then please comment on my last post. Say something mean and then do like, fifty frowny faces, like this : (
My Bed
Recently Sam has learned how to climb on top of my bunk bed (dang it). I was in my room mindin' my own business when Sam came in. He looks at my bed and is automatically amazed. He runs to the ladder and climbed onto the first step. (Keep in mind that this is a ladder and the each of the steps on it are up to his waist.)
As he climbs onto the first step, I walk over so he doesn't fall. After about five minutes he finally gets on top of the bed. Good job Sam.
A couple days ago my mom came in asking if we had seen Sam, so we spread out, and started looking. My mom went downstairs, My sisters stayed in the middle floor, and I went upstairs. First I checked in the bathroom upstairs, then I checked in his favorite hiding place: my sisters closet. Not in any of them. I suddenly had a very good idea of where he could be. I ran into my room, and looked on top of my bunk bed. Sure enough, there he was, my old glasses twisted and bent beyond comprehension. Flashlight in his mouth. And baby drool all over my pillow. Sam really cute. But he can make me very angry at times.
As he climbs onto the first step, I walk over so he doesn't fall. After about five minutes he finally gets on top of the bed. Good job Sam.
A couple days ago my mom came in asking if we had seen Sam, so we spread out, and started looking. My mom went downstairs, My sisters stayed in the middle floor, and I went upstairs. First I checked in the bathroom upstairs, then I checked in his favorite hiding place: my sisters closet. Not in any of them. I suddenly had a very good idea of where he could be. I ran into my room, and looked on top of my bunk bed. Sure enough, there he was, my old glasses twisted and bent beyond comprehension. Flashlight in his mouth. And baby drool all over my pillow. Sam really cute. But he can make me very angry at times.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Funeral March
I'm so sorry everybody!!! I wasn't able to get a video of our songs in the concert. (Although you didn't miss very much on the Adams Family, I missed every single note except for two.)
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Something I just realized is EVERYONE has crap. I have a toy drawer in my dresser that I went through, and something I realized, is that my crap is really cool. I went through and I found my hover disk (you turn it on and it floats a millimeter of the ground and you can push it around alot), I also found a puzzle ball, a hackiesack, the best board-game in the world: Stratego, some juggling balls and aton of other stuff that are really fun. So everyone, go through your crap now, and have some fun!!! : )
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Funeral March
I just wanted everybody to know that at school I'm gonna be performing "Funeral March of a Marionette" at school. And I will try to find a way to show it to everyone!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Little Drummer Boy
My little brave Sam. fearless of everything (except for the scary wolf hands of course, and loud noises, and things that jump out at him and yell BOO! and... I could go on forever.) went to school to pick me up with my mom one day, when I had stayed after to practice my percussion. (rocking out on the drum set).
I was playing in one of the individual practice rooms that they have in the percussion room, I was playing so loudly, that I had been paged three times on the intercom, and hadn't heard a single thing! After some time, my mom decided to walk to the room I was in and pick me up herself.
Mom and Sam could here me playing as soon as they came inside the percussion room (of course I was still in one of the little practice rooms that were off to the side). As my mom and brave little Sam came in, Sam suddenly heard the scary thump, thump, thump, of the drum. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" He screamed. "AAAAAHHH!!!!" thump, "AAAAAAHHH!!!!" thump, "AAAAAAHHH!!!!" I then saw my mom and stopped playing. Immediately after, Sam stopped screaming.
As I opened the door to the practice room Sam bolted in. "Come on Sam." I said. Then started walking away. I stopped when I suddenly heard Sam in the practice room, stretching up as much as he could so that he could touch the snare drum with the palm of his hand. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. My mom and I burst out laughing! Brave little Sam is called brave little Sam for a good reason!(He can really face his fears.)
I was playing in one of the individual practice rooms that they have in the percussion room, I was playing so loudly, that I had been paged three times on the intercom, and hadn't heard a single thing! After some time, my mom decided to walk to the room I was in and pick me up herself.
Mom and Sam could here me playing as soon as they came inside the percussion room (of course I was still in one of the little practice rooms that were off to the side). As my mom and brave little Sam came in, Sam suddenly heard the scary thump, thump, thump, of the drum. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" He screamed. "AAAAAHHH!!!!" thump, "AAAAAAHHH!!!!" thump, "AAAAAAHHH!!!!" I then saw my mom and stopped playing. Immediately after, Sam stopped screaming.
As I opened the door to the practice room Sam bolted in. "Come on Sam." I said. Then started walking away. I stopped when I suddenly heard Sam in the practice room, stretching up as much as he could so that he could touch the snare drum with the palm of his hand. Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh. My mom and I burst out laughing! Brave little Sam is called brave little Sam for a good reason!(He can really face his fears.)
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