Last Sunday we went to a different church at nine in the morning (the church we mainly go to is at two in the afternoon!!!). When we were done we went back to our house to skip our church. Mom and Abby had to leave because Abby had a primary program. Of course the first thing mom did before she left was tell us. "By the time I'm back home, I want the kitchen to be done."
Okay, no sweat, we thought. But we had forgotten and important factor in this equasion... Sam (oh crap).
Not even ten minutes after our parents left Sam started causing some intense mayhem. First he climbed up onto the table and started piling noodles into Sarah's drink, then he started stomping around and annoying the renter's in the basement. We made him a bottle hoping it would make him hold still like it usually does. Uh-uh. He just ran around with it hanging from his mouth, slamming into the walls with his face and stuff. After about half an hour, we finally gave up. We left Sam to do his business. It wasn't our smartest decision. We were doing the kitchen and I was getting some entertainment by watching Sam. He suddenly saw the best toy in the whole world: A tupperware container, filled with water. But it was up on the counter top! No problem for wonder Sam! He scrambled over, reached up to the limit of his abilities. And was just barely able to reach the tip of it with his fingers.
Before I could react Sam made a grab and... SPLASH!!! A slight pause, then. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! WAAH! WAAH! WAAH!" Anna sprinted over to him, picked him up, and plopped him right into the bathtub.
When he came out, he was his usual cheery self, except with the diaper. He is having a story being read to him by dad. And making high pitched squeaks. What an angel!!!
Just what you needed while trying to clean the kitchen - the little angel making an even bigger mess faster than you can clean it up.
At least he's entertaining while he makes messes.
There was no sign of that fiasco when I got home. Good job cleaning it up!
Little angel do you mean little devel. And you forgot to put me in there I WAS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats because the whole time you were just sitting there with a blank exspression on your face. Next time something like this happens that you know I'll blog about, try to quickly do something heroic.
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