Sunday, October 21, 2007


Something I just realized is EVERYONE has crap. I have a toy drawer in my dresser that I went through, and something I realized, is that my crap is really cool. I went through and I found my hover disk (you turn it on and it floats a millimeter of the ground and you can push it around alot), I also found a puzzle ball, a hackiesack, the best board-game in the world: Stratego, some juggling balls and aton of other stuff that are really fun. So everyone, go through your crap now, and have some fun!!! : )

1 comment:

mamasuisse said...

I go through crap on a daily basis, but unfortunately, it's not nearly as much fun as yours.

The best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) crap I ever went through was after Sam swallowed a mysterious round object that we could see on the emergency room x-ray. SOMEONE left his airsoft pellets out for Sam to swallow!