Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Oil Changing

I got to change the oil in my families MAZDA and TOYOTA! The minivan was pretty clean. I wheeled under the car on (quoting my dad) the "wheely-wheely." I unscrewed the pluq and the dirty oil gushed out into the... oil catcher thing. I unscrewed the filter and some more oil gushed out. I put in anti-freeze, coolant, and new oil.

Then came my dad's truck. I did the exact same things on it, except when I took off the plug the oil totally spurted out and gushed over my hand and fingers, garunteeing me washing my hands for at least fifteen minutes. Then I took off the filter preparing to put on a new one. The oil that came out dripped all the way around may wrist and down past my elbow! That garunteed me at least fifteen minutes of showering!

It was pretty frickin' fun changing the oil and stuff in the cars. And it was fun taking a bath in oil, and a half hour shower in water. And I get to do the same thing over again in three months!

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