Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Tree

We got a christmas tree two days ago! It's pretty big for our living room (I'm also pretty sure it can hold lots of presents under it ;] ). We put lights on it, and I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure my dad strapped it up to the wall so it wouldn't fall like it did last year.
Instead of a cute little golden star, we put a green and red sparkly paper star that Anna made in 6th grade on top of the tree! We don't wrap in stuff and put a few things on the tree. We just weigh it down with every single ornament we've got, and hope it's branches don't get ripped off!
I will now end this post with tons of faces! :) :( ;) >:( :# #l $P :p 0) 0I:) :0 <(-

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Oil Changing

I got to change the oil in my families MAZDA and TOYOTA! The minivan was pretty clean. I wheeled under the car on (quoting my dad) the "wheely-wheely." I unscrewed the pluq and the dirty oil gushed out into the... oil catcher thing. I unscrewed the filter and some more oil gushed out. I put in anti-freeze, coolant, and new oil.

Then came my dad's truck. I did the exact same things on it, except when I took off the plug the oil totally spurted out and gushed over my hand and fingers, garunteeing me washing my hands for at least fifteen minutes. Then I took off the filter preparing to put on a new one. The oil that came out dripped all the way around may wrist and down past my elbow! That garunteed me at least fifteen minutes of showering!

It was pretty frickin' fun changing the oil and stuff in the cars. And it was fun taking a bath in oil, and a half hour shower in water. And I get to do the same thing over again in three months!

Monday, November 24, 2008


I saw Twilight last saturday! I thought it was amazingly awesome for a chick-flik, just a little to mushy.

I definitely thought Bella was a great actor, and Edward too. You know how Rosalie is supposed to be the most beatiful thing ever to inhabit the Earth? She was definitely cute, but not enough for Stephanie Meyer's description. On the other hand, Alice is one of the hottest people I have ever seen!!! It was so fun watching her kick her leg up into the air whenever she pitched the base-ball!

(Hope you don't mind me doing a little critique). I thought that the music was pretty destracting throughout most of the movie. My sister Anna, and my cousin Kate say so too. The relationship between Edward and Bella didn't seem to grow a whole lot over the period of time they spent together. Other then that, it was great!

This is definitely one of the movies I'll recommend for anyone who asks (even though I doubt I'll need to recommend it to many girls).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Symphonic Percussion

The coolest thing happened to me today. Today I was at school and went to percussion class at
second period, guess what. Apparently we were having Symphonic percussion try outs in class,
and I hadn't practiced the music at all. Uh oh, right. So in line, I quickly pulled out my bell kit
and started practicing along with most everyone else. I was able to get it down pretty well. By
the way, it was a new percussion class at Timberline, it just barely started this year. Well I went
in to audition, fearing the worst and tried my best. UNBELIEVABLY I MADE IT!!! I got fitted
for a tuxedo, and everything. Only about half my class made it and I was one of the luckiest
people, cause I got in... and I only practiced for ten minutes!!! Oh ya.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


I have been growing progressively chunkier and chunkier over the past few months. Now I have been growing progressively thinner, and thinner, and taller. It all started with me sitting in the living room reading to my little (and may I mention adorable) little baby brother Sam (Bam). Anna came walking down the stairs takes a brief glance at me and says (censored by Anna). So I (censored by Anna), and she exclaimed, "Woah, you've gotten a lot thinner!"

Of course I tried to be totally casual with it, and as soon as she was gone I booked to the bathroom and took a look into the mirror. My face was a bit thinner. I went out to tell mom and walked right over poor, short Sam who was still holding the unfinished book he wanted me to read.

Yesterday I asked my mom to measure me because everyone looked shorter. So she measured me and it turns out of have grown one inch, in a month!

I am getting taller, thinner, stronger, chick-magnetier (JK), and... yeah I'm getting thinner.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


A few days ago I tried out for jazz band (drums-set player) I practiced for about two hours for it that week, and I have no clue how much before. I thought I did awesome except for when I had to play the drum part of the song "Don't Get Around Much Anymore." When I played it I messed up about seven times.

The next day when I got to school I checked the tryout results, and....................................................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................. I didn't make it. Who gives an eighth of a (edited by my family).

But on Friday I tried out for Advanced percussion (I'm in beginners.) To get into advanced percussion, I had to play all 12 major scales (Mrs. Taylor my percussion teacher had me play 3 though.) Then I had to play a few lines of a song on the Marimba (kind of like a zlylaphone). I messed up... twice. After the Marimba, I had to play a few lines of a song on the snare drum. I messed a little bit more in that but I still did awesome. After I auditioned, Mrs. Taylor told me that I was one of the few people who played dynamics (loud, soft, or in-between).

Tomorrow I am going to find out if I made it into advanced percussion, please please please wish me luck.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Solo Night

Tonight I had Solo Night at my school. A few months ago, we picked out songs that we would play for our solos. I picked "Cajun Dance." After we picked out our solo, we had about a month to practice it. Sounds simple right. Wrong.
I had plenty of time to practice, but I needed to print up another copy of my song, so the judge could know I was playing everything right. Thats right, I was going to play in front of a judge. The only problem is that I slack too much.
Solo night came and I had to go to my school at 4:00 to perform in an ensemble (group). After that, I went home till 7:00, when I got back, I had to 'judge' two solos. Then it would be my turn to perform. I got to school at 4:00, and performed no sweat... ok there was a lot of sweat but can you blame me!? I have hyperH2O for cryin' out loud! After the performance I went home... just to realize I had forgotten my binder that had my solo in it at the school, and still needed to print my extra solo for the judge. My mom told me that I couldn't go get it until the kitchen was finished. Thirty minute job right? Wrong. It took two hours for me to finish the dishes because I work so slowly, and was feeling especially slacky that day. After that I quickly grabbed my drum-sticks and ran to the car. When we got back to the school, I realized I had lost one of the drum-sticks in the car when we were driving to the school. I ran in and got my binder after some time of vigorous searching. Then went home to print the copy.
When I got back to the school I still needed to 'judge' my two people. There were only two people left before me (crap) and I didn't have a pen. I was finally able to sneak a pen out of an un-weary mothers purse (went up and polititely asked for a pen). I 'judged' my two kids then performed. Apparently I did very well, and my mother got most of my performance on film. I then turned in my 'judging slip' so that I could keep my A in Percussion. I am so gonna get my drum-set (my parents told me that if I get a 4.0 for a whole semseter they will buy me a drumset).

Saturday, January 5, 2008

X-Mas Loot!!!

My Christmas was awesome!!! My mom's new little poem, something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read was okay I guess... especially the Third generation I-pod Nano. But I also got some other totally awesome things

I will now proceed in making you fall to sleep by listing my various items from christmas. Ill begin with my stocking. One little I-pod note pad, 6 axe products (two big cans of axe spray, two little cans, a rub bar of anti-perspirant, and axe shower-gel), 8 pares of boxer-briefs (don't get any images in your head), yes, the time has come. I got some acne wash. I also got tons of candy, and an orange... O-ya, and a lego pen. Now for the big presents that I can open like a savage. I got a lego bionicle, with a little (really works) gun that doesn't work. I got a third generation (the latest one out) I-pod nano. Not to mention I was able to steal tons of things form my old MP3 player, so I now have a pair of soft earpads to go on my head-phones, a bag for holding all of my equipment, and some speakers. I got various shirts (some I will never ever wear). And I got two big, thick, and thirsty towels with my name sewn into them.

Now for what I got from my Oma. A 3D glow-in-the-dark solar system, Four card games, marbles, and pick-up-sticks (awesome presents, go Oma!). From my aunt (Becky) and uncle (Rich), I got a pair of totally awesome drumsticks of sweetness. From Papa and Nana (Grandpa and Grandma) I got a compound bow (the one that you use to shoot with).

I have awesome christmas presents from this year. Although if I get a 4.0 at school my loot will be 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,001 times better.